Monday, February 23, 2009

After putting my rear bumper on the exhaust was still behind the bumper trapping all the fumes in there and back into my car. Driving out to WSIR and back my eyes were burning like hell. So on Saturday I decided to drop by the local muffler shop and had them re route it in the outward direction. They got everything welded together and it looked super good then I looked under the car and the exhaust was sitting as low as the tire now. I told them that isnt going to work whatsoever and so the guy just heated up two spots of my exhaust and pretty much just pushed it up. -_- It now comes out really flat and I am not that happy with it. Oh well. Next time.

First Entree

So today at work I had an interesting and pretty funny thing happen. Our store opens at 11 and it was 10:55 and we hear a knock at the door. Some guy is standing there and says why don't you open the hell up yet?! I just stare at him and say we open at 11 man and walked away. I don't remember what he said but all I remember is, "you fucking idiot" and as I am walking away I hear him kick on our glass door as hard as he could then hear a door shutting and a car taking off. He then calls our store maybe an hour later and says, "I just wanted to let you guys know that your customer service sucks." I got a good laugh out of that. It's sad that we get such angry ass customers at our store. A hobby store.